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Best Way To Get Fmj Kills In Mw2

Use attachments when you run out of new guns to do 10 kills with as your leveling slows and unlocks then slow start again with your favorites for. MK2 Carbine Loadout Setup And.

Walkthrough Guide Ign

Run into open area 2.

Best way to get fmj kills in mw2. 21122019 If a player has a Riot Shield Juggernauts will target that player and soak up all of the minigun fire for the team. It really is the easiest place to die. 13032010 MW2 probably getting three kills in about 15 seconds all of which was captured on the final kill cam.

Try to stay away from the cave as you dont want to lose your steak. 08042021 When hitting above the waist it is a one-shot kill so accuracy is key to succeeding with this weapon on Modern Warfare. Actually when you select FMJ as an attachment the damage meter goes up slightly.

But also at the same time its the fastest place to get kills. Shooting through windows is a highly effective way for a sniper to get FMJ bullet penetration kills for a sniper rifle especially with the Intervention and Barrett 50cal which have high damage multipliers. 09122009 if youve got a sniper shooting through windows is a a good way to get FMJ kills with any of the other automatic guns just always shoot through the things people stand behind dont go.

Easiest way I found to do this is to really not worry about it. FMJs purpose in MW2 is to allow better penetration through surfaces it does this by reducing the damage reduction the surface would normally take. In this guide we will show you three classes with some helpful Modern Warfare tips.

Agreed with the Hardcore match idea I just do HTDM and aim low and shoot through the barrier to get my FMJ kills. I think Infinity Wards naming convention just isnt right. I was on terminal looked down the corridor that looks out onto the outside part of the map pulled off a cheeky headshot as someone ran past then got another quick 2 kills.

The TAR-21 is a personal favorite but coupled with the heartbeat sensor and full metal jacket is a great combo on some of the smaller maps or during a Team Deathmatch where. Use different guns and perks. If a sniper can get a one-shot kill Stopping Power makes this easier with their first shot through the window it will only crack.

The rest of the team can then unload all of their bullets into it. There is nothing that has indicated it does more damage. I could explain the spot if anyone cares but it will probably take me 3 paragraphs haha.

Go over towards the sides of the maps just camp the sides till you get enough points. FMJ use UAV and CUAV you can shoot through almost every wall in scrapyard works best in the submarine parts just do it P. For Call of Duty.

Modern Warfare 2 on the Xbox 360 a GameFAQs QA question titled Getting easy kills with FMJ. BY FAR THE EASIEST. No you get killed because of it its an awful way to get FMJ kills.

Tricks that will help you excel with this powerful weapon that takes a lot of skill to master. Glock with FMJ and silencer. An easy way to obtain FMJ kills is by shooting through glass at your enemies.

Aim towards wall where sniper is hiding 4. Let sniper kill you to find out where he is 3. Work on another gun when the map you are playing on doesnt ahve a lot of crap to shoot.

However the Riot Shield player does need to be careful because the melee attack from Juggernauts can still kill them in just two hits. Theres a spot on sub-base thats superb for doing those painful mini uzi fmj kills. Get at least 10 kills with each new gun and perk you unlock some perks will want more to reward you and marathon for example is distance traveled sprinting based.

TAR-21 with heartbeat sensor and Full Metal Jacket. Fisher TwelveAwesome Xbox 360. Well here is what you do.

The sniper can then take a second shot through the. TheLastLizard 005 1. This is in my opinion the easiest and quickest way to get your FMJ kills for any gun besides a sniper.

Some good levels for FMJ kills are Highrise Terminal Trailer Park new map Scrapyard.

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